Roof Sump & DryDrain with Float Check Valve
Is it TRUE that a floating roof system is capable to remain completely dry? Yes, with TRUE!
TRUE is a new approach to floating roof drainage. The entire TRUE drainage system will drain into the connected off-flow system. Thus, no water will remain in the TRUE drain body.
Key Performance Features
No pressure needed to close the valve with product back-flow. The rising liquid level will close the valve.
Full cross-section water drainage thru the drain valve body.
Liquid backflow will be stopped immediately.
Automatic shut-off system fully resistant against hydrocarbons.
High-grade stainless-steel body. Zero corrosion and fully resistant to hydrocarbon and chemicals.
Comprehensive documented leak-test procedure prior to dispatch of each TRUE.
Adaptable to all existing floating roof designs.
Each TRUE can either be welded or bolted into the floating roof.
Mounting bolts also serve as stopper for larger objects to avoid clogging of the drain valve.
Installation options for both DIN and ANSI flanges.
Turnkey installation service available from our experienced and qualified field service team.
Short installation time.
Available in:
DN50 / 2”
DN80 / 3”
DN100 / 4”
DN150 / 6”
DN200 / 8"
Other sizes available upon request
Click here to download our
TRUE Roof Sump brochure